Sisters are doing it for themselves...

Yep okay so now I'm showing my age. But the mum of these two gorgeous girls is fully into retro and all things vintage so I reckon she will know this line. Oh and if you want to check out some of her awesome work making cushions look so cool - head on over to her Business Facebook page at
Chloe was proud to announce that she's turned 5! And goodness me how much does she look like her mum?!! And well little Miss Charlotte was crawling all over the place - bit of a change to the last time she was here for her newborn photography session.
I've loved giving my Christmas catch up clients their favourite image as a print for Christmas. But you can help them too!
Be a new liker to my facebook page (at, then leave a comment here about which image is your favourite and mum and dad are on their way to receiving more prints as gifts from me!
So which one do you like the best? The girls together or on their own?